Works - My journey in the realm of Software Development

My works provides an overview of projects that I have worked on, to get a glimpse of my professional journey.

Man looking at item at a store
Oneflare Pos

Our inventory application stands as a sophisticated system meticulously designed to manage sales, transactions, expenses, and more. It offers a streamlined approach to inventory management, ensuring efficiency and accuracy in tracking various aspects of business operations.

Man looking at item at a store
Authentication App

A robust MERN stack application dedicated to authentication processes. This personal project encompasses essential authentication features such as protected routes, password management functionalities like forgot and reset password options, seamless login and signup processes, all complemented with meticulous error handling for an unparalleled user experience.

Man looking at item at a store
Oneflare Tech Solution

This e-commerce application serves as a comprehensive platform showcasing the array of tech solutions offered by Oneflare Tech Solutions. It seamlessly integrates services provided with available products, catering to the diverse needs of our customers.

Man looking at item at a store
Royal Clothing App

This E-commerce application, akin to Shopify, is built using ReactJS and encompasses a comprehensive suite of features: Seamless registration and login processes, augmented with Google authentication. Intuitive navigation facilitating smooth transitions between categories and products. Efficient shopping cart management system to enhance user experience. Implementation of secure payment gateways for seamless transactions. Through the development of this project, I delved deeply into various facets of web application development using React and Redux, gaining valuable insights and honing my skills in crafting robust digital solutions.